Welcome, members and friends of The Time We Are Given!   [Edit]
Since TTWAG is a small kin, we have set up this site for both our members and friends, giving us the ability to schedule and sign up for events and keep up to date with each other. Happy hunting!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Link to Forums
We have set up a forums page so we can plan ahead, discuss, get to know each other, and keep everyone updated on real life schedules. To cut down on bots, the forums page also requires account approval before activation, but please sign up today! We'll watch for signups and get them turned around as quickly as possible.

If you have already registered, the direct link (skipping the registration page) is http://ttwag.freeforums.org/.


Friday, March 20, 2009
Welcome to the Site!
Please feel free to add characters - we mostly have small kins, and run together a lot, so we may as well run the babies as well as the 60's!


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Recent Blog Posts/Forum Posts/Guide Updates
Blog: Much like Fan ...
3 days ago, 12:34:00pm by AkA-TheQuietMan
Post: About These Forums
3/21/09 9:11:32am by Sparwing